Chinese higher education at the undergraduate level is divided into three-year and four-year programs. The former is offered not only at short-cycle colleges, but frequently also at four-year colleges and universities. The latter is offered at four-year colleges and universities but do not always lead to the bachelors degree.
Myriad higher education opportunities also ll under the general category of adult education.
Academic sEducation System in China adult education schoolecondary education is delivered by academic lower and upper middle schools.
Lower middle school graduates wishing to continue their education take a locally administered entrance exam, on the basis of which they will have the option either of continuing in an academic upper middle school or of entering a vocational secondary school. Vocational schools offer programs ranging from two to four years and train medium-level skilled workers, rmers,Online Education. legal advice online and managerial and technical personnel. Technical schools typically offer four-years programs to train intermediate technical personnel. Schools for Skilled Workers typically train junior middle school graduates for positions requiring production and operation skills. The length of training is typically three year.